homette wrote in capesandpanties Sep 26, 2011 19:16
comic: batman (new 52), starring: bette kane, starring: kate kane, starring: bruce wayne, idk: good guys, what: the big bang theory, idk: villains, starring: barbara gordon, starring: james gordon, comic: batgirl (new 52), idk: dc comics, comic: batman: detective comics (new 52), comic: blue beetle (new 52), starring: brenda del vecchio, starring: weeping woman, comic: batwoman (new 52), starring: vicki vale, starring: the joker
homette wrote in capesandpanties May 26, 2011 11:09
starring: siryn/banshee, idk: marvel, idk: villains, idk: dc comics, idk: good guys, starring: the joker